Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good News?

Here is what I recieved in my e-mail today. I know that I no longer reside in the fair city of Regina but it is still interesting to note how the debate over urban farming is going down there. I still recommend everyone email their city councilors and let them know that you are interested in keeping backyard chickens. The debate is not dead according to this e-mail and the future is undecided! unless of course you have a flux compasitator...but then it is still undecided. But at least you get to see what is going on.

September 21, 2010

Jeff Meldrum


Dear Sir/Madam:

CR10-97 - Bylaw No. 2009-44, The Regina Animal Bylaw, 2009

Further to your interest in the above report, I wish to confirm the decision made by City Council on this matter.

City Council, at its meeting held on September 20, 2010, considered the report from the Community and Protective Services Committee and adopted the following resolution:

1. That amendments to The Regina Animal Bylaw, No. 2009-44 as identified in this report be approved;

2. That the City Solicitor be requested to prepare the required amending bylaw for consideration by City Council; and

3. That the amendments to The Regina Animal Bylaw, No. 2009-44 come into effect December 1, 2010.

4. The issue of potbelly pigs as livestock be referred to the Administration for a report to the Community & Protective Services Committee to determine if they could be considered exotic pets.

5. The Administration provide a report to the Community & Protective Services Committee within 12 months that provides an update on the review being done by Calgary and Edmonton in regards to urban chickens and how Vancouver is handling the regulation of same, and that this report include the potential impacts on the Regina Humane Society going forward.

Submissions related to this matter were considered by City Council and received and filed for the record.

If you require further information, please contact Judy Moore at 777-7199.

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