So last weekend me and some pals went out looking for some birds to shoot. Sharp tailed grouse in particular, Saskatchewan's official bird. These birds are pretty prevalent throughout the province but they tend to populate the prairie lands the most. Limits on these birds are 3 a day and 6 in your possession, which would certainly fill more than my freezer. Unfortunately for us though there would be no birds flying into my freezer on this warm November day. The chickens were all very spooked. While we saw maybe six birds during our walk we were unable to get even remotely close to the grouse which are actually known for sometimes flushing out right below your feet before you even realiz they are there.
To hunt these deceiving creatures we made the trek out to the Regina Beach community pasture. The pasture takes up a very significant amount of land(more land than you could hunt in one day) and much of the land is located along the arm river valley. The arm river valley is famously known for sheltering Louis Riel on his way up from America to Batoche to take part in the North West Rebellion. This is a very Beautiful valley with an ever flowing creek, not big enough to paddle down but big enough to present a challenge in crossing it. You can hunt all day in a place such as this, not harvest a single animal and still have one of your most enjoyable days of the fall. The highlight this time was Jenna stumbling upon the sleeping porcupine. Fearing the thought of getting to close, we yelled at the creature to awaken it from it's slumber but it was useless. A dozy [orcupine sleeps sounder than a hungover highschooler. Not easily dismayed, we tossed a stick in its direction and sure enough it took flight. These are pretty slow creatures so its pretty humorous to watch them gallop away from you. It looks more like the slow waddle of an aligator.
All in all a solid day was had. We still managed to put some lead in the air, firing off a couple rounds at the old beer bottle on the fence post, and even a giant four litre jug of piss we found on the side of the road (which was pretty gross, but i must say it looked fantastic when it exploded). Oh and one more thing worth mentioning, the brunch at Regina Beach was able to combine my two favorite foods into one awesome flavour explosion. This was my first experience with breakfast pizza, and if i have any say in it, it certainly will not be my last.
here are a few photos from the excursion. Photo credits go to my friend Jenna Slade.
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