Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bounty Hunting

The ministry of agriculture announced this week that they will be placing a bounty on Coyotes. Twenty dollars a head is what the government has deemed this predator worth. Although i am not sure how i feel about the idea of putting a bounty on an animal, I don't think i am going to pass up the opportunity to do some coyote hunting. If the government keeps things in check, hopefully the bounty does its job and thins out the population of deer thieves without fulling eradicating them and fucking up the entire ecosystem. However, twenty dollars from the government, A nice pair of mittens and some coyote meat, justifies it enough for me. The idea of eating a coyote probably grosses most people out that live in the westernized world, but there is a huge percentage of the world that would love to stick their nose in a roasted hind leg.... and who are we to say that is wrong.
So on Friday me and some friends went out to the arm river valley to once again try our hand at some hunting. This time around the grouse were not so spooked and i was able to get a few shots off, but apparently i need to work on my aim. We also tried out the predator call that i bought. It makes the sound of a distressed rabbit. I huffed and i puffed and i blew into the reed call and soon enough magpies began to circle overhead, and a crow took a slight dive into the area before realizing that it was inhabited by humans. Some say patience is a virtue though, and i don't have that virtue. After a few minutes i got up, took out the buck shot and put back in the bird shot only to see a coyote russle out from the bushes fifteen feet away. Shucks!

better luck next time i suppose.

press release-

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