On saturday i shot my very first deer. Not the largest animal in the forest but it was still a nice three by three buck.
I went out hunting in Weyburn with my friend Kalen, his father and his father's friend. Up at the sixth chime and off for some good old breakfast. Did I mention how much i love breakfast? Well anyway, I love it, I think i may even dedicate my next tattoo to the traditional bacon, eggs, toast and hash. As soon as I punctured the egg yoke with my hashbrowns I knew it was going to be a swell day. So off in the direction of Kalens farm we went. We did a little push in a creek bed before giving up to find somewhere else to try our luck. We were motoring down a prairie trail when off on the horizon we spotted a buck chasing around a doe in the field. The rut is often over by this time of the year but i think with the cold weather those four legged animals might have pushed it back aways. Anyway. this fellow paid zero attention to us. He had only one thing on his mind...sort of like us men i guesse, except if deer had guns we would all be dead.
First we tried to take a shot at him from the road but he up and decided the middle of the section was a better place to hang out. After that we sent Doug to try and spook him over to us on the North side. That didn't pan out either. If that doe wasn't going anywhere neither was he. So finally we went to the south side where the wind was in our favour and walked to within a hundred and fifty yards from him. He could not hear nor see us because of the breeze. I got down on my belly and touched off some rounds from the .243 Savage and hit him in the front shoulder. Not quite in the Engine block but pretty darned close.
Next thing you knew we had him field dressed when another buck popped up on the horizon a hundred yards away. It looked just like the boy i had shot so Kalen grabbed his .303 and took a standing shot at him when the deer did not even notice. The deer kept coming right at Kalen! so he touched off another shot from 30 yards away and down it went. BUT. this was not to be our lucky day. On close examination, Kalen had accidentally shot a mule deer, for which he did not have tags. A very honest mistake, the Muley had smaller ears than normal and the antler configuration screamed white tail. The deer had not been running either which could have been a clear giveaway. So we did the only honest thing we could. We phoned up the local conservation officer to tell our tale. Respecting our honesty, the officer did not charge Kalen and only took the deer away to give to a needy family. Turns out honesty is actually the best policy.
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