So now that i have shot a deer. What do i do? I had never skinned a mammal before, nor have I butchered one. After we loaded the deer into the truck and did a little bit more hunting we took him back to town where I strung it up from the rafters only to realize that i really did not know what i was doing. So i went at it anyway. skinning the deer was actually very easy and i convinced my younger brother to give me a hand. Once we had his shirt off we went right into the deboneing, which was also very straight forward. Cut the meat off the bone. Not rocket science. Now what? I had seen a couple times what the elders would use to smoke their moose meat up north. I highly respected these people i had met on a couple of my adventures. People living off the land and respecting their Earth, with tales that would interest even the most worldly of folk. I figured they certainly must be doing something right. The smokers i had seen consisted of a bathtub type arrangement where the fire would go and then a three sided triangle like structure to funnel the smoke. Now i did not have an entire moose to smoke so i simplified the design a little bit and used a washing machine hub instead of the bath tub. Peanut butter jerky time! I figured i could design a recipe for myself. So i did.
3kg venison, 1 cup teriyaki sauce, quarter cup Worcestershire sauce and balsamic vinegar. two tablespoons pepper, 3 table spoons meat tenderizer, splash of lemon juice, 6 cloves garlic and one whole white onion. Let the meat sit in that for a day then smoke the shit out of it, being careful not to get it to close to the flame.
Life is good when you are eating jerky all the time.