Sometimes you have no plans for a weekend. Sometimes you remember about an invite from a friend to a destruction derby in the small town of Lipton, Saskatchewan. Sometimes you get in the truck and drive on out there. Sometimes it is just as awesome as you would imagine. Sometimes you head back to the local watering hole. Sometimes dinner comes and you need to grab a bottle of wine to take to the barbecue. Sometimes you ask for that bottle of wine, and the only thing that comes out is Royal Red cooking wine. Sometimes you buy that bottle of wine. Sometimes the cap doesn't come off while your driving to the party in the back of a pick up. Sometimes you have to cut off the cap with a buck knife. Sometimes you head back to that friendly local watering hole. Sometimes you witness someone take a bottle to the head. Sometimes your friends follow the commotion outside. Sometimes your friend somehow ends up in cuffs in the back of a cruiser. Sometimes you wake up the next morning and his parents make you all a delicious breakfast. Sometime your friend shows you the old wind up gramaphone and puts on that old Hank Willams 78 just for you......
Sometimes life treats you pretty good.
Random foreign comments aside... I always like reading your blog, Jeff!