If all this rain is good for anything besides pushing us towards our generation's Atlantis, it is paddling. While a person can do the Qu'appelle at any time in the summer, the fun increases with the rise in water. Normally at this time you would be scrapping muddy bottom on every third paddle stroke, but not so this year. I failed to touch the bottom even once with my fun stick. This weekend i picked out a portion of the river I had done before knowing that it held a zip line somewheres along its length. However when we got to the line it was clear that it had been taken out in the spring time by log jams mixed with raging torrents of ice. Not one to be dismayed, I kept my eye out for other sorts of fun. stumbling upon a tree that had been overtaken by the river, I got the light bulb in my head that it could be used as a diving board.
Other sights seen on this excursion- owls, pelicans, baby geese, ducks, herons, carp, raccoons, cedar wax wings, normal deer, angry deer, deer with velvety antenna, fat beavers, lazy beavers, beavers that think they can fly, oh and even a couple bovine.
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