Monday, May 21, 2012


Rocks are cool right? They named rock and roll after a rock.... so they must be cool. Or maybe I am really out of touch with cool. At risk of seeming very uncool, here is a post about some neat rocks I have stumbled upon this spring. The first one is a rock the size of a fist that has some how made itself at home in the crotch of a tree. Over many years, the tree has come to engulf the rock. How did the rock get there? The thing with trees is that they only grow up from the leader of the tree so the rock was not carried up from the ground by the tree, as A tree does not grow up from the bottom, it only expands outwards except for the yearly growth at the tips. Twenty or thirty years ago, someone would have had to place this rock in the crotch of this tree. Now rock and tree are one. I think it looks cool. Maybe we should all start putting things in trees that will look cool lodged in place twenty years to the future. The second rock is a fossil I found on Pasqua lake. I think it looks like a cray fish... but who knows. What do you think? Can anyone help me identify this?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeff
    Not sure if my last comment worked. I enjoy checking your blog and your tunes. The photos are always rad.
    I've been considering freight hopping out west sometime soon and thought I'd pick your brain. I've talked to a few people about it, read a bit about it, but thought I'd ask your advice as well, as I thought you've done it before. Where to get on, schedules, routes, etc. If you have any tips, I'd appreciate it greatly.
    Hit me up on email if you'd prefer:
    Thanks man
