Well I was bored a couple days ago so I went out for a little hike by myself out to Wascana trails. I did not really see anything that interesting but it was really nice just to be out there. Here are some pics of the wonders of the natural world from that happening. Also while I was there I had to check out the water levels to see if I could get a paddle in there just once more. I have read the flow charts for the Wascana in the past and noticed that once or twice a year during the summer, the levels peaked again, obviously due to a hard rain. This had always intrigued me. On a side note I really wish I was into paddling when they drained the whole fucking lake to deepen it. That would have been something else.
Anyway, with all this darned rain we have had, the river has actually swelled almost to spring levels. So today we went out to do a run on the trails. A perfect day for such an adventure. Not to hot, not to cold, just right and tons of fun. Oh and no one even ended up in the water this time.
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