AND GOD SAID, LET THERE BE RAIN. Right? That is how it goes right? Don't quiz me on scripture, I have been to church twice and am not exactly known as a man of the faith. However, if God so chooses he can rain down on me any day, as long as it is between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am so that I don't miss work. Any who, onto the picture, I scavenged this behemoth from the Lumsden dump, attached a nozzle and did some repair work with liquid fiberglass, which hopefully will stay repaired.... the last attempt, with caulking, failed miserably. I have diverted about a quarter of the watershed of my roof down into the cauldron and fitted the top with a screen to keep out the leaves and other junk. Being raised a couple feet off the ground allows for the water pressure to increase and hopefully with the odd rain this summer i will never have to use the actual tap to feed my thirsty plants. Move over appocolypse, make way for giant rain barrel.
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