TADA! Here is the finished product. The first night of fishing consisted of me and Miranda drilling a hole in only six feet of water. We would have moved the shack but the hole in the ice was overly hard to drill because of unsharpened tools. Unsharpened tools are sort of like all my vehicles when winter comes, they just don't want to work.
Abraham Lincoln once said, "Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe."
This is advice I will take to my grave.
Regardless, that first evening I was able to catch a very nice sized dog fish that Miranda wanted to keep as a pet.
The next day would prove far more successful. After spending some time that evening sharpening up the auger i was ready to move out the shack on Tanner's arrival the next morning. That day we caught a good number of dirty old tullibee, I brought up a nice little eating walleye and Tanner lashed onto a nice four and a half pound pickerel that fed four of us for lunch.
Hopefully the rest of the season is this promising.
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