I decided that i needed to make a post completely dedicated to breakfast. So here it is.
The number one skillet award of 09 goes to: The 24 Egg skillet served on a cymbal in Butt Fuck no where Manitoba. Not so much the skillet here as the setting that is important. Here we met one of the most interesting people of the summer. Campsite Dave? road site 24? My dates and names may be off but that really does not matter. We (Our band Failed States and friends Things Change) had found a little parcel of crown land aside the lake on our way up to Dauphin Manitoba. We decided it would be an excellent place to camp with our friends in Invasion on the way back to Regina. All went well and we went to bed with vision of skillets dancing in our heads. Campfire started in the morning, Campsite Dave showed up just as the skillet was getting underway. Out of his white pick up truck he jumped out ecstatically with fishing gear in hand to greet us good morning. After hastily setting up his fishing gear he went back to the pick up for the grand finale. Out of the cab he grabbed two giant home theatre speakers and hooked them up to his homemade rig. So there we sat, at six in the morning, dining on skillets and listening to AC/DC at 1500 watts.
Number two skillet award goes to-Any skillet i made for Miranda early this year. I tricked her into falling in love with me making her delicious skillets every morning for breakfast.
Then i got lazy.
Number three skillet award goes to- The skillet we made on the side of the Qu'Appelle one morning while canoeing after being barked at relentlessly during the night by some rabid Coyote\Wolf\rabid creature. Scary night. Good morning. This was probably wins the tastiest skillet award as it was made with my fresh tomatoes and other garden vegetables, but it still comes down at number three. Better luck next year WolfDOG.
Number four skillet award goes to- Rocky mountain high skillet. Made in the high altitudes near Hunter's Peak just east of Yellowstone. Pristine river water to quench down those delicious eggs wins this skillet the number 4 spot on the charts.
Number five skillet award goes to any accent roofing skillet break with particular attention on the 2009 skillet challenge. Won by yours truly with the help of Aly Brennan. When you don't want to work, there is no better treatment than a skillet. No matter how much restaurant skillets pale in comparison to the homemade kind, they are still 500 times more enjoyable than starting work on time.
The man's name is Lakeshore 44 and he is a supreme human being.