In my opinion, Wascana trails is the most beautiful place to visit that is within a half hours drive from the city. If you have not yet graced the trails with your presence then i highly suggest it. last winter we went out there at night to have a campfire and listen to the coyotes. open fires and night time visits aren't allowed at the recreation site but really, whats the harm done when you bring in your own wood to burn.
aaaanyway! yesterday me and my friends Ali and Josh went out in the direction of the trails to shoot some skeet along the way and hike around the river. The mighty wascana was in full rut when we arrived from all the rainfall we have had this month but it was still very tame compared to its ferocious spring white water(which by the way... you can canoe if you hit it at the right time). We took in the sights of the trails, seeing no fawna but enjoying the flora instead then headed back to town for some fireside cider. The previous day saw me bottling my cider reaped from the brances of a lone crab tree along the banks of Wascana lake. Its a little sour but overall its still pretty damn tasty.
Cider pressing link- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0fvkiSHOsY